So, I realise I've been a bit quiet on here and ought to explain why, in April I had a heart attack while attempting the Swim 22 challenge and it's left me a bit less energetic and productive than I was. Still, I managed to start issue 2 of SubUrban Zine while I was in hospital and recently played two local shows, one for Tea and Oranges at Twenty-One and a support slot for Michael Plater at The Fishermen's chapel, had Sarah with me for both and Bryan for the first one, we're a pretty good team and hope to do more shows together in the future. Also the legendary Lee Ashcroft joined us for his customary tambourine solo!
All the photos here were taken by the remarkable Gary Franklin.
Somehow I've also managed to finish the second album, 'Pan', MUCH more news about that to follow, and I'm currently booking a tour for March to bring the new songs on the road! Everyone has been super supportive and hopefully I can soon put the health concerns behind me and get on with it!